Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is My Mic On?

What's interesting is that I honestly DON'T want to pursue a rapping career like the rest of the teenagers on the west side of Chicago, even though I have the skills...but who doesn't now days? I always catch myself making up my own verse to a song that I hear on the radio, or I would make my own beat with my best friend C.BreezySoFitch [she considers herself to be an artist also]. Me and C.Breezy would be in the back of our 3rd period class making beats and rhymes, while everyday the teacher Mr.Martin yells use out saying we should shut the hell up....or telling us that he doesn't want to hear the nonsense. When actually the music that me and C.Breezy makes isn't nonsense at ALL. We are expressing ourselves through the wire with beats like Romans Revenge. "MOOSE GANG" is what we call ourselves, we're not trying to be like any other local artist in Chicago, we're just trying to get our voice heard and express ourself with a little rhythm...even if no one picks up our music, we know deep inside that we have accomplished something that we wanted to accomplish together as friends! You don't always have to follow others footsteps to make it to the top, you can create new footsteps and have others follow you.
C.BreezySoFitch - Cherrish Brown & Domo - Jazmen D McKinnor

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